Swachh Bharat at Nagaland House, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Road New Delhi (Oct 2018)
Nagaland House Delhi is located in one of the posh areas at DR APJ Abdul Kalam Road (known as VVIP Area) New Delhi. Considering the need of a hygienic standard of living within Nagaland House Delhi (NHD), Minister Jacob Zhimomi PHED GoN, conducted a mass Swachh Bharat with six different departments of Nagaland House HoD & staffs today. While lauding their positive response and cooperation, Zhimomi said that “neatness and cleanliness is not once in a while but it’s a must to carry throughout life and providing a comfortable atmosphere in NHD to every guest must be their aim.” Furthermore, Zhimomi said “it is the residential staff responsibility to maintain a homely environment within NHD and as such hygiene should be the first priority” and urged the residential staff to continue with social work every month. Zhimomi further divided NHD into three blocks namely, VIP’s Block, Staffs residential Block and Security (Home Branch) Block and has also assigned a caretaker in every block whose prime objective is to maintain tidiness in their respective block. The minister further said that he will sponsor token awards to encourage them. Lastly, Zhimomi also pledged to construct a badminton court for the staff to spend leisure time in maintaining good health.