Nagaland Minister, PHED, Jacob Zhimomi personally visited Ganesh Nagar, Dhansiripar under Dimapur district today,  20th May  2020 to take stock of the infrastructures/ facilities available, and also to see its  feasibility to be used as quarantine center by the Government. It may be noted that members suggested for utilising the buildings at Ganesh Nagar as during the cabinet meeting held at Kohima yesterday, May 19th. In this regard, Jacob Zhimomi  visited all the  double and single storeyed blocks and also the godowns  to make accurate assessment of the availability of bedrooms, toilets, electricity and water supply facilities. With the new arrangement to be taken up by the Government, assessment for finalisation will be decided at the earliest, Jacob informed..
Meanwhile, Minister Jacob appealed to the general public to avoid un-necessary movement for the safety and interest of one and all.
The Minister was accompanied by Deputy Commissioner Dimapur, Anoop Kinchi IAS, Commissioner Police Dimapur,  Rothihu Tetseo IPS, Dy.CMO Dimapur Dr.Antoly , DPRO Dimapur, Lolano Patton, Land Records and Survey officer and GBs of Ganesh Nagar Dhansiripar Area among others.